In today's world, most people struggle with being overweight on a daily basis, which not only disrupts life, but also creates complexity and self-doubt. Of course, this problem is more familiar to women, but sexually strong humans also have first-hand knowledge of obesity.

To get quick results within a week, people started giving themselves diet pills and tortured themselves with fasting and dieting. This approach results in a dramatic weight loss, but after a few days of dieting, the fat comes back, and there are even good "rewards" in the form of abdominal pain, slow metabolism, gut problems, hormonal changes, etc. How to lose 5kg in a week at home without hurting your body? In order to lose weight properly in a week, and not feel sick after dieting, you need to remember some low-calorie nutrition rules that, combined with regular exercise, can produce noticeable results after 7 days.
meal options for the week
To date, three nutritional approaches have been developed to allow you to lose 5kg per week - a starvation diet, a single diet, and a carbohydrate-free protein diet.
protein food
A protein diet will aid in emergency weight loss without gaining extra pounds after a diet. This food system has won applause in the diet because it won't starve you, is rich in a variety of protein foods, and is based on the use of white rabbit, chicken, turkey, lean fish, eggs, and low-fat dairy products. Protein diets promote fat burning, not muscle mass. Breakfast, lunch and dinner during this period should not exceed 150-200 grams.
This is important! A protein diet for more than 7 days is full of gastrointestinal problems. Since a person eats only protein, his body absorbs very little fat and carbohydrates. Because of this, the gut slows down their work. After a week of such a diet, a person can observe constipation, bad breath, and kidney pain. Those with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems should reject such health experiments.
During a protein diet, don't forget about physical activity, as they help speed up your metabolism and also help burn calories faster.
"starvation" diet
A "starvation" diet is a diet that involves drastically reducing the calorie content of foods consumed. Everyone wants to lose weight urgently, but not everyone thinks about the consequences of such a hungry "riot". The nutritional system for this diet is that total calories for breakfast, lunch, and light dinner should not exceed 800-1200 calories. At the same time, in order to eat a healthy diet, an adult needs to consume up to 2000-2500 calories per day.
To effectively lose weight in a week with this diet, you must exclude from your diet:
- flour products,
- sweets and sweets,
- carbonated water,
- spaghetti,
- round milled rice,
- Potato,
- Sauces and Mayonnaise
- sausage and bacon,
- pork,
- canned food,
- Bananas, grapes, pears, plums,
- alcoholic beverages,
- fast food products,
- Fatty dairy products.
Looking at this list, weight loss people will ask themselves: "What should I eat to lose weight? ". On the "starvation" diet, it is allowed to use:
- fresh vegetables,
- unsweetened fruits and berries,
- oatmeal,
- lean fish,
- white meat,
- nonfat yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese,
- fresh juice.
For breakfast, you can have fruit and oatmeal, and for lunch, a stew or vegetable stew. A week of dieting will help lower the numbers on the scale, but the game doesn't always pay off. The results obtained are difficult to repair, and usually after such a diet, a person gains more weight. Also, one of the main criteria for weight loss at home is considered adequate fluid intake. Nutritionists recommend drinking 1. 5 to 2 liters of pure, non-carbonated water per day. At the same time, most of the water should be drunk before the evening.
Practical advice. The main course of the "starvation" diet does not exceed 150-200g. Small amounts are recommended during the day, but more often.
Breakfast "hungry" diet is to eat oatmeal with fruit or a spoonful of honey. As a snack, you can bake an apple without sugar and honey. For lunch, a light vegetable soup and a piece of boiled meat are recommended. Dinner can be garnished with a vegetable or fruit salad. 2 hours before going to bed, if you feel a strong hunger, you can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.
single diet
A single diet is one of the most popular ways to lose weight quickly. To lose 5kg per week fast at home with the help of a single diet, you need a lot of patience. Also, not everyone thinks about the consequences. A monotonous, low-calorie diet for a week will not only help burn fat but also muscle mass. A single diet falls into the most restrictive group of weight loss methods, as 1-2 such nutritional products are allowed per week.
The most popular products in this diet are:
- fat free kefir and apples,
- Boil buckwheat and kefir,
- fruits and vegetables,
- low-fat kefir and milk,
- seafood,
- Oatmeal and kefir.
In this diet, one should not forget to use clean water systematically. When the body is not getting enough calories, vitamins and trace elements, it must have enough fluids. The acceptable standard for drinking water is 1. 5-2 liters per day. This volume does not include tea or juice.
This is important! Only those with no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, circulatory system, kidneys and liver can afford a single diet. It is strictly forbidden for people with diabetes, gastritis, and stomach ulcers to conduct such experiments on their own bodies.
If the easily lost kilograms do not come back, it is necessary to withdraw from the diet appropriately. On the first day after a diet, you cannot eat from your stomach because the calories you eat are immediately converted into fat by your body. Weekly dieting is a chronic stress on the body that does not have the most beneficial effect on health. For the first 2-3 days after a diet, you can include a green salad and a baked apple with honey, boiled chicken breast, or vegetable broth in your diet.
professional opinion
For proper weight loss, you need to understand that losing 5kg per week is not normal and in some cases even dangerous. Under the principle of proper nutrition, a person should lose 3-5 kg of fat mass in one month.
A large initial weight (90kg or more), or severe dietary restrictions/starvation, combined with vigorous, exhausting exercise, can lead to significant weight loss in a short period of time.
Protein nutrition can have a noticeable effect, but must be "diluted" as follows:
- drink plenty of water to prevent constipation and stone formation;
- Eat fiber-rich foods with minimal carbohydrates (various brans, cabbage, beans, zucchini, and cucumbers);
- Drink vitamin supplements (for their appointments, it's best to get a full checkup from a doctor).
Fasting should also be done wisely - no frenzy, i. e. the reduction in daily calorie content should be smooth, otherwise breakdowns and blockages cannot be avoided. Under normal circumstances, the daily calorie consumption should be reduced according to the following plan: 2000-1800-1600-1400-1200-1000-1000. . .
celebrity diet
Now let's see how to lose 5kg in a week with the help of the proven star diet. Every representative of humanity's fair sex wants to look attractive not only to her man, but to herself as well. Weight Loss Methods Angelina Jolie, Sophia Loren, Victoria Beckham complement the well-known diet library. These celebrities have revealed the secrets of weight loss to the world, and now every woman has a chance to learn about her idol's diet.
Angelina Jolie's diet
Angelina Jolie's weight loss secret is that her diet consists entirely of protein and carbohydrate foods. The menu does not include fat. The star's breakfast is fruit and oatmeal. As a snack, she prefers soft cheese and crackers. Lunch is a protein meal in the form of grilled low-fat fish and vegetables. Dinner - Roasted vegetables with chicken, fruit salad.
Sophia Loren's Diet
What really shocked the public was Sophia Loren's diet. The famous actress claims that durum wheat pasta helps her stay in shape. The diet lasted 3 days. At the same time, you need to eat 100-120 grams of cooked pasta every day. As a side dish, you can eat a salad made with fresh vegetables. Be sure to drink a glass of orange juice or eat a fruit salad for breakfast. For an afternoon snack, Sophia Loren prefers fat-free cottage cheese with fruit.
Victoria Beckham's diet
Victoria Beckham is a famous fashion designer and mother of four. Many would envy her slimness. The Victoria's diet is simple and affordable for every woman, especially since it only lasts 3 days. The main thing is to eat 4-5 times a day. Breakfast was whole wheat toast and green tea. The second breakfast was apple, orange and kiwi salad. Lunch - Braised chicken breast with tomatoes, celery and carrots. Dinner - vegetable salad with shrimp. On the last day, you only need to drink plain water and grapefruit juice. This drink allows you to speed up the metabolic process and remove toxins from your body.
singer's diet
Diet refers to a strict diet as the total number of calories per day should not exceed 500 kcal. This weight loss method is designed to last 3-5 days at most. For breakfast, she prefers a 200ml kombucha drink, fruit and oatmeal. Lunch - Unsalted and fat free celery soup made with tomatoes, celery root, pepper, Chinese cabbage and ginger. Breakfast and lunch should make up 70% of the total daily meal. Dinner includes a fruit salad or a baked apple with honey.
Physical exercise
If you don't know how to lose weight in a week without dieting, exercise and an active lifestyle will come in handy. The main rule for a slim body is not to have too many calories. All food gives us the energy we must consume. Therefore, healthy diet and regular exercise are the right way to lose weight.
This is important! Not only adults but also children should abstain from diet for their health. Teenagers need special attention. It is very important for a teenager to get enough protein, fat and carbohydrates in his diet because his body is going through a phase of physical change and growth. If your child is overweight, weight loss can only be achieved through physical activity and a balanced diet.
To lose 5kg in a week without dieting, you need to spend 2 hours a day working out at the gym. Also, you will need to adjust your diet. It should not include:
- baked goods,
- candy,
- salty and fried foods,
- bacon,
- soda,
- fast food.
Physical activity should include strength and aerobic exercise. The load on the heart muscle makes calories burn faster.
If a person wants to lose five kilograms a week without dieting, he needs to exercise regularly:
- Sprint and long distance
- jump rope,
- Cycling or rollerblading
- swimming
- Cardio or fitness.
We can't forget strength exercises, including lifting barbells, dumbbells, push-ups, and weighted squats.
important! 1 hour of physical activity, at least need to drink 0. 5 liters of purified water. Sufficient fluids in the body allow fat to be burned faster and excreted in the form of sweat.
go to the bath or sauna
There is an opinion that taking a bath not only has a positive effect on a person's appearance, but also improves metabolism. It is said that a person can lose up to 2 kg of excess weight after taking a shower. This makes sense, but it's worth understanding that it's not fat that you lose in a bath, it's fluid.
People with heart, blood vessel and kidney problems should not take a bath. Do not expose your health to such experiments. If a person still decides to go to a sauna or bath during a diet, then he needs to know some rules:
- Tired of quitting alcohol, greasy, salty and smoky food,
- In order to lose weight, you need to drink enough plain water in the steam room,
- There must be a headgear on the head,
- If you experience mild dizziness, weakness or headache, you must get out of the tub immediately.
To lose weight, some exercise trainers recommend exercising after a bath. Relaxed muscles need to be toned with low-frequency cardio. A workout like this allows you to add in muscle work and excess fat. But don't forget the consumption of plenty of pure, non-carbonated water. Restoring your body's water balance on a regular basis helps burn calories quickly. The comments from people who have used this method to lose weight are shocking, as in one month of this training, it is possible to lose up to 4-5 kg.
Therefore, nutritionists recommend adjusting your diet, speeding up the metabolic process through physical activity, drinking enough fluids and not forgetting healthy sleep. Only a comprehensive weight loss approach can produce noticeable results, and a strict diet to test your body is highly inadvisable!
Reviews of dieters
- Lady, 33: "I really like the protein and veggie menu. I've always liked veggies, and chicken. And the grilled brisket is generally chic! Can you find such a variety of dishes in other diets? Instead, pretty much the only lettuce leaf on your body to be cut for a week. Started the weight loss at 74kg, a week later it was 71, then 68. The results so far have only been encouraging. The only thing is that it's hard to get yourself used to drinking cleanwater. Well, I don't like it. Then, I've gotten used to it for two weeks, and sometimes I even find myself wanting to drink water, which I didn't have at all before.
- 20-year-old girl: "I stick to this diet like a drowning man. I thought that was it, the last one. It didn't work, it means it's not destiny, I won't try it again. But in fact, it all came back. kg came on its own and brought a few more. But what a miracle! My 6kg left. They left and were in no rush to go back! Not only was it comfortable to sit on this diet, but it turned out to be sticking as well. Thanks to the people who developed it. I'll stick to it regularly and control the rest of the time. I hope it stays the same for the rest of my life. "
- Female, 45: "Everyone is wrong when they say you can't lose 5kg in a week. I'm an example. Just this one should start with the same weight as mine (104kg). Really lost 5kg in a week of dieting. . 5kg, then take a break, repeat the "feat", now I weigh 81kg, and it has become a habit to diet from time to time. The weight is not a kilogram a day like before, but a gram of 400-600. This is normal. The lower the initial weight, the better for the body, and gradually lose weight. Otherwise, the skin will sag and wrinkle. And I want to be a slim woman, not a Shar-Pei. "